2025 Subs Renewal for emailing or website
Dear Member,
We are pleased to announce that there will not an increase in the Membership subscriptions this year, and the following rates still apply. However, we have new categories, as belove’
Individual £30.00 – Payable by 31st January
Couples * £50.00 – Payable by 31st January
Students ** £15.00 – Payable by 31st January
* Must reside at the same address
** 18 or over and in full time education.
All renewals are due by 31st January 2025, you can pay by cash, card or cheque in the club. If you are paying by bank transfer the bank details are as follows; The Lindfield Club, sort code 20-49-76, account number 70200298. If you are paying via the bank, please quote your membership number please complete a renewals form which is available in the Club or on the website. www.lindfield.club.
Lindfield Club